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What’s the cheapest month to visit Rio de Janeiro?

If you’re planning a trip to Rio de Janeiro and want to save money, it’s natural to ask: what’s the cheapest month to visit the Marvelous City? In this guide, we’ll explore the best times of the year to find more affordable fares and make the most of your trip without breaking the bank.

How to find cheap flights to Rio de Janeiro?

To find the lowest prices for traveling to Rio de Janeiro, it’s essential to consider the city’s tourist season and use flight price comparison tools. The off-peak months generally offer more affordable fares for flights, accommodations, and activities since there’s less demand from tourists.

When is the off-peak season in Rio de Janeiro?

The months from March to May and from August to November are considered the off-peak periods in Rio de Janeiro. During these months, you can find cheaper rates in hotels, sightseeing tours, and even restaurants, making your trip more economical and enjoyable.

What is the cheapest month to travel to Rio de Janeiro?

The cheapest months to travel to Rio de Janeiro are June, July, and August. During these months, many tourists tend to avoid Rio due to the cooler weather. Besides saving money, traveling during these months can also mean fewer crowds and a more tranquil experience at popular tourist spots like Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf Mountain, and the famous beaches.

Avoid Holidays and Special Events

Avoid traveling to Rio de Janeiro during national holidays, such as Carnival in February, or major events like New Year’s Eve. During these periods, prices tend to rise due to high demand, making your trip more expensive.

What are the holidays in June in Rio de Janeiro?

The holidays in Rio de Janeiro in August are: Corpus Christi and Saint John’s Day.

Corpus Christi

This movable holiday is celebrated 60 days after Easter, usually falling in June. In Rio de Janeiro, it’s often an extended holiday, with banks, schools, and some companies closed.

Saint John’s Day

In Rio de Janeiro, there are June festivals and celebrations in some communities and neighborhoods. But only in Niterói is commerce affected because Saint John is the patron saint of the Municipality of Niterói.

What are the holidays in August in Rio de Janeiro?

The holidays in Rio de Janeiro in July are:

Saint Dominic de Guzmán Day (Patron Saint of Rio de Janeiro)

Celebrated on August 8th, it’s a municipal holiday in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Our Lady of Glory Day (Patroness of Rio de Janeiro)

Celebrated on August 15th, it’s a municipal holiday in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Trade Day

Celebrated on August 16th, it’s a municipal holiday in some cities in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

It’s important to check the official holiday calendar of Rio de Janeiro (LINK TO PREFEITURA RJ), as there may be variations according to local legislation or changes in subsequent years. These holidays can impact the operation of public services, transportation, and commerce in the city.

What events happen in June in Rio de Janeiro?

June festivals

Celebrated in June, the June festivals are traditional events that include folk dances, typical foods like boiled corn and mulled wine, and cultural activities in various parts of the city.

Rio das Ostras Jazz Festival

Usually held in June, this is one of Brazil’s largest jazz festivals, featuring national and international artists in Rio das Ostras.

LGBTQIA Pride Parade

Celebrated in June, during LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, the Rio de Janeiro LGBT Pride Parade is one of the largest in the world.

What events happen in August in Rio de Janeiro?

Rio Gastronomy

A gastronomic event that takes place in August, bringing together renowned chefs, local restaurants, and food producers to offer a variety of flavors and culinary experiences.

Rio Film Festival

Usually held in August, this is one of the largest film festivals in Latin America, showcasing a diverse selection of national and international films, as well as offering workshops, debates, and special events.

How to save money on your trip to Rio de Janeiro?

Stay flexible with travel dates and research in advance to find the best deals. If possible, avoid traveling on weekends and opt for mid-week flights, which are usually cheaper.

Take advantage of promotions

Keep an eye out for promotions and special offers from airlines, travel agencies, and booking websites. Sign up for newsletters and follow social media to not miss any opportunities to save on your trip to Rio de Janeiro.

How to get around economically in Rio de Janeiro?

Rio de Janeiro offers various options for public transportation, such as buses, metro, and VLT (Light Rail Vehicle), which are economical options for getting around the city. Additionally, shared transportation apps like Uber and 99 can also be a convenient and affordable alternative.

What are the free tourist attractions in Rio de Janeiro?

There are several free or affordable tourist attractions in Rio de Janeiro, such as the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, Parque Lage, the Museum of Tomorrow (with free admission on Tuesdays), and trails in areas like the Tijuca National Park and Morro da Urca.

With these tips in mind, you’re ready to plan an economical and memorable trip to Rio de Janeiro. Stay tuned for the best times to travel, be flexible with dates, and take advantage of available promotions to ensure an incredible experience in the Marvelous City without breaking the budget.

Tips to save money on your trip to Rio de Janeiro


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